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  • Did you know?

Feb 27 2024

By Velma N.A. Otchwemah
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There are days that you would go above and beyond to save your face by making sure nobody ate the disaster of a meal you mistakenly prepared. It happens to all of us; don’t be hard on yourself. Ignore the title, you are not a bad chef. You were maybe having a bad day in the kitchen. All hope is not lost. Although you may have burnt the food, overcooked the food, or put too much salt or pepper in it, there are ways to go about it and remedy the situation. Read on, and let’s learn how to correct some common errors in culinary art: pepperiness, spiciness, and saltiness.
  • Tomatoes may look red and fierce, but they are such lovely helps:

One way to rescue your overly salty, peppery or spicy soup or sauce is to grab some tomatoes and work some magic. How? Very simple. Tomato has a pretty neutral taste and can be a bit sweet. Get some tomatoes, wash them very well, dice them and blend them thoroughly in your blender. Pour it into your prepared sauce or soup to take away the excess salt or spice. If you are unsatisfied with the results, you can keep adding more till the salt or spice is neutralised.


Picture Credit: Photo by @galex on Unsplash

  • Potato, the saviour from down under:

Besides the variety of potatoes that exist, potatoes in themselves can be used for different meals. From French fries to mashed potatoes to potato chips. Potato is whoever she thinks she is!Varieties of potatoes include russet potatoes, sweet potatoes, vitelotte, and others. The regular starchy potatoes used for making fries can be helpful when your food is too salty. Place some cut pieces of peeled potatoes into your food and let it cook with the food you have prepared. After about fifteen or twenty minutes, take out the potatoes. Et Voila! You just saved yourself. If your jollof is too peppery, salty, or spicy, potatoes can do the trick.


Picture Credit: Photo by @eprouzet on Unsplash

  • Carrots do the magic:

Carrots have some sweetness to them, and they can help neutralise the saltiness in your food. They function just like potatoes in performing this duty. Scrape the dirt off your carrots with a knife, wash them, and place them in your food to work the magic for you. Remember, do not overcook the food with the carrot in it; fifteen to twenty minutes is enough. Savour your salvaged meal, chef!


Picture Credit: Photo by @jannerboy62 on Unsplash

  • Everybody makes a fuss about apple cider vinegar; it must be worth the hype.

From the local homemade remedies to the hot gossip in town about apple cider vinegar being your go-to ingredient for weight loss, apple cider vinegar seems to be a queen. Well, I have a gist for you. Do you know it can take out the saltiness from your food? I bet you didn’t. Pour a tablespoon or two into your sauce or soup while it cooks, and wait for about five minutes. Taste the food to know if you are satisfied with the results. If you are not, keep adding a tablespoon at a time to achieve the results you desire.

Apple cider vinegar

Picture Credit: Photo by @towfiqu999999 on Unsplash

  • Lemon and lime juice are feisty, and they can defend you at your worst.

No matter how bad a chef you have been, don’t feel ashamed to run into the arms of these fellows: lemon and lime. They can change your reputation for good and put your enemies to shame. Use it just like you would apple cider vinegar, as earlier illustrated. They have an acidic effect that helps neutralize the war you may have started in your so-called five-star meal. Don’t worry; you’ll get better eventually.


Picture Credit: Photo by @shaunmcreatives on Unsplash

The best way to learn is to make mistakes and be intentional about improving. Enjoy your salvaged meals in their purest form, my chef!

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