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Feb 25 2023

By Caris London
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The Ghana Food Based Dietary Guidelines was successfully launched at the Omanye Aba hall – Accra Metropolitan Assembly (A.M.A) new office complex on the 22nd of February 2023. Ghana is now the eighth country in Africa and the fourth in West- Africa to launch food-based dietary guidelines (FBDG). Ghana Food Based Dietary Guidelines are based on the latest scientific evidence and provide a roadmap for healthy eating.
The event began at 11 am, with Professor Anna Lartey, a professor of nutrition at the University of Ghana, as chair of the event. She stated that a country should have food-based dietary guidelines because “you are making a statement that this is how we want our citizens to eat. So, the document is government-owned, saying this is how we want our citizens to eat to remain healthy.” She made mentioned the fact that poor diet is a major cause of disease and death among people, hence the need for food-based dietary guidelines.
The cause is that Ghanaians prefer imported foods that are highly processed to the nutritious foods the country has been blessed with. The FBDG is to help incorporate Ghana’s indigenous foods to promote a healthy diet. Professor Lartey further emphasized this by saying; “What has been done for us today, is significant- it’s good for every Ghanaian and hopefully, we will see this translated in our lives”. Some special guests included; Mr. Yaw Frimpong Addo, a deputy minister of Food and Agriculture and Professor Richmond Aryeetey, co-chair of the Multi-stakeholder Technical Task Team
The launch was very educative and included the explanation of the 45-pager booklet that recommends the daily assumption of healthy fruits and vegetables, the right intake of water, healthy fat in moderation, ensuring food safety, and regular exercising of the human body to facilitate a healthy life for Ghanaians.

Dr. Francis Kasolo, World Health Organization country representative of Ghana who gave a message on behalf of the UN Resident Coordinator in Ghana - Mr. Charles Abani stated; “The United Nation’s system in Ghana is proud to have provided the technique or expertise and financial support in producing Ghana’s maiden food best dietary guidelines”. He thanked the food and agricultural organization and the world health organization for the support rendered.
He further stated; “…the food-based dietary guidelines are not to provide publicity for a specific food, food group or a situation or meal standards or general dietary guidelines but rather constitute important evidence-informed to and a framework for promoting healthy diets and sustainable food systems and guide adopting healthier lifestyles, food-related government policies and program design and implementation”. He also stated that the UN would continue to support the government’s efforts to disseminate and implement the guidelines.

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